Rural Enrichment
Whether you’re a first-generation farmer or following in the footsteps of your great-great-great grandfather, we understand that the next generation is important to you.
Because we’ve walked in your boots.
Our Bank is strong financially and teeming with experienced lenders and helpful staff. Our owners are fourth- and fifth-generation community bankers, with roots in the agricultural-rich south central Kansas. We want to help you and your family business succeed, too.
CBK understands that farmers and ranchers need financial representatives who speak their language and have first-hand knowledge of agricultural business needs. Our agriculture loan officers can help with everything from basic ag lending to assistance with government lending programs specifically designed for farmers and ranchers.
Ag Lending Options
- Livestock financing
- Crop inputs
- Land purchases
- Equipment loans
- Operating lines of credit
- Machinery leases
- Debt restructure
Nurturing Relationships
Every Ag Lender at CBK is also a farmer or rancher. It’s in our blood.
For five generations, we’ve built personal relationships throughout Kansas to help agribusiness thrive — lending money for land acquisitions, livestock purchases, crop inputs and equipment. Farm visits are a regular part of ag lending.
Our roots run deep in this land, and no bank understands agribusiness better than we do. If you need working capital, call a CBK Ag Lender today!
Our Agribusiness Lenders