We will not be open Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Our Digital Banking and ATMs are always available. Have a safe & pleasant holiday!

Board of Directors

Meet Our Directors

Citizens Bank of Kansas benefits from the guidance of local leaders on our Board of Directors, bringing expertise in the fields of agriculture, finance, law, real estate, and small business.

A group portrait of Citizens Bank of Kansas' Board of Directors from 2023.
Seated, L-R:  Mark Keeny, Mike Maloney, Jane Deterding

Standing, L-R:  Jeff Breault, Mike Felts, Rachael Pirner, Kyle Russell, Sarah Keeny Moon, Gary Renberger, Dennis Knackstedt, and Kevin Chase

Not pictured: Ben Drouhard
My CBK Story

Banking isn't a money business... it's a people business. OUR HISTORY

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