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Barn Quilt Installed at CBK El Dorado Branch
There’s something new at the El Dorado Branch of Citizens Bank of Kansas! With the capable assistance of Steve Joyce and several eager Dexter High School students, CBK has a barn quilt above the entrance!
Brightly colored barn quilts are appearing across the scenic countryside in Kansas. The “Barn Quilt Movement” started in Ohio with a daughter honoring her mother with a painted quilt on her barn in Adams County, Ohio. This simple idea has spread to more than 48 states and to Canada with more than 7,000 quilts participating in the organized American Quilt Trail, which includes the Kansas Flint Hills Quilt Trail. This trail was formed to celebrate agricultural heritage, promote rural pride, and attract visitors to the area.
“Many long-time customers may remember a big clock above the entry to CBK in El Dorado,” said Shannon Beal, Community Bank President of CBK El Dorado. “Unfortunately, that clock had problems and displayed the wrong time more often than not! We researched the idea of adding the colorful barn quilt and the ownership of CBK was on board. The architecture of the building really lends itself to the barn quilt design. We really love the fresh look,” Beal said.
In addition to his teaching responsibilities at Dexter High School (entering his 31st year), Steve Joyce is a barn quilt enthusiast, and his creations can be seen in various locations in Cowley County, Kansas. Joyce’s creations are also on display at the Little House on the Prairie near Independence, Kansas, and Bill Kurtis Ranch outside of Sedan, Kansas. Under the guidance of Steve Joyce, the Dexter High School Community Service students have become involved with the process. Some of their creations are listed at Cowley County Barn Quilts.