We will not be open Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Our Digital Banking and ATMs are always available. Have a safe & pleasant holiday!

| Posted in Meet Our Lenders

Josh Mark

Josh Mark began his career in banking in 2014 during his senior year of high school, participating in the Verus Bank (now CBK) internship program through Derby High School. He earned an associate degree in business administration from Butler County Community College and went on to pursue a career in law enforcement with the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Department. In 2022, Josh returned to banking and a year later brought his expertise and community spirit to CBK as the Derby Rock Road Branch Manager. As a lifelong Derby resident and Derby High School graduate, Josh enjoys reconnecting with familiar faces and building new relationships, whether he is opening a new account or assisting with personal lending needs. When he isn’t at work, Josh spends most of his free time with his wife and two daughters.

Banking isn't a money business... it's a people business. OUR HISTORY

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